In this “All Volunteer Army” environment, Americans have a need to inform themselves so that they have a better knowledg e of our Army’s people, equipment, tactics, history, and present and future needs.
The Northern New York-Fort Drum Chapter of AUSA annually presents an opportunity to spend “A Day with Your Soldiers” at Fort Drum. This is a day when you get the opportunity to walk in a soldier’s boots and see how they train and live, what kind of weapons they are using and how effective they are; what kind of equipment they have and how it is used; what their food and drink tastes like and how they like it; and most importantly, what they are thinking and doing in preparation for their next deployment. It is an experience that few who have not recently worn the uniform will ever know and one that you in a lifetime will never forget.
It is an opportunity to interact with your Soldiers and become more informed about them and their families.
Content varies but usually includes:
0930 – 1000 Arrive PX parking lot and board buses
1000 – 1030 Travel to field location
1030 – 1045 Briefing by Brigade Combat Team Commander
1045 – 1115 This is a rifle squad (What each member does,
equipment, weapons, rank, etc.)
1115 – 1330 Observe Soldiers training for combat
1330 – 1430 Lunch one on one with a soldier
1430 – 1500 Return to PX Parking Lot
It is a great way to thank our corporate membership and Adopt a 10th Mt. Platoon sponsors. Recommended for anyone who provides goods and services to the military.
If you have any questions contact Joe McLaughlin CSM (R)

Transporting a wounded soldier under a barbed wire obstacle was a challenge keeping the patient safe as the guests looked on.
“A Day in the Life of a Soldier provided us with a deeper understanding of the realistic training that our soldiers are receiving before they are deployed. We were given a chance to experience first-hand some of the actual training that our men and women receive, such as simulation training on improvised explosive devises, to
M9 simulator firearm, and various
other insurgent activities.
Thank you again for the experience!”
(participated May 18, 2010)

Guests observe soldiers being evaluated in a litter carry
at the medics obstacle course.
“It was very emotional to see the medical procedures. I can visualize the things that actually happen. The training was very real.”
– Dan Boulton, Pamelia
Morrison’s Furniture Store AUSA Corporate Member (participated May 18, 2010)