The adopt a platoon program was created to show our deployed Soldiers that the community supports them in their mission far from home. This program is part of the Northern New York Fort Drum Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army. Platoons are where “the rubber meets the road” and every Soldier from private to General is assigned to one. The success of the program is twofold, how well you communicate with the platoon leaders and how well the platoon communicates back to you. If you adopt;
- You will be assigned a platoon (normally between 20-50 Soldiers)
- The Platoon Officer or Platoon Sergeant notifies you, (hopefully before they deploy)
- You receive a roster of soldiers (Name / rank / sex / birthday / hobbies)
- You receive a mailing address when they arrive to their deployment area
- Birthday and holiday cards and well received (soldiers will tell you if they need something if you ask)
- Post Office Flat Rate packages are the best way to send goodies
- Communication is only by email
- Deployments are generally 9 months
- Biggest expense is mailing packages
- I will provide periodic updates by unit to our website to this link
- I will also send updates periodically and you may receive an email from:
- The 10th Mountain Division is the most deployed unit in the U.S. Army so we are always looking for more patriotic organizations to adopt a platoon. If you decide to adopt a platoon, I will add you to our future deployment list and you will be notified when you assigned a platoon.
If you need more information, contact CSM (R) Joseph McLaughlin at: (
If you have adopted a platoon and have not received any communication, please let me know.
Adopted Units Updates: 13 March
10 th Mountain Combat Aviation Brigade – HHC 10 th CAB, 1/10 th Attack Battalion, 2/10 th Assault
Helicopter Battalion, 3 -10 General Support Aviation Battalion, 277 Aviation Support Battalion
- Soldiers have returned home safely
- Thank you all for your awesome support.
- Let us know if you have any questions concerns or suggestions for the Adopt a 10 th
Mountain Platoon Program.
10 th Mountain First Brigade Combat Team – Units HHC 1 st Brigade, 2/22 Infantry, 1/87 Infantry,
1/32 Infantry, 3/6 Field Artillery, 7 th Engineer battalion, 10 th Brigade Support Battalion
- All the battalions are deployed we have 122 patriotic platoon sponsors!
- You should have good addresses and a roster of your Soldiers.
- Let us know if there are any problems.
10 th Mountain Division Headquarters – This unit was recently deployed the Southern Boarder
in the United States for a 9-month deployment.
- We have adopted 15 Platoons for this unit, Thank you all very much.
- The soldiers are getting settled in as their mission evolves.
- You should receive a roster of soldiers (Name / rank / sex / birthday / hobbies) from the
platoon Point of Contact. - Send me an email if this does not occur. (
Looking for more sponsors for the next deployment.
- There is a possibility for another deployment for the 10 th Mountain Division in the Fall of
2025 - We are looking for organizations to adopt a platoon.
- Sign up now per the information above.